Subdrop, different strokes for different folks


Can someone just come over here and throw a bucket of ice cold water on my head?

Yeah, it feels like you need that doesn’t it? Its weird…but it does (at least for me) feel like you need a good head clearing.  A fantastic hair yanking grab and a lust filled embrace or, if he’s not around, at least to lay in a bath of ice water just to clear your racing thoughts…

As a masochist sometimes the drop, for me, is a physical reaction to ongoing pain – when I’m not in sub drop, I love the pain and marks/accidental bruises. When I’ve dropped, the pain becomes unpleasant, and I want to curl up and hide from the world much like any injured animal would to keep itself safe from predators and recover. It works, but crawling into a lonely cave isn’t exactly a fantastic place to be until the chemicals sort themselves out over the next few days.  You want to become one with your mattress, but really you must get yourself moving. 

I’m fortunate to meet a lot of professional people in this lifestyle, and the events I’ve attended has allowed me to interact a lot with so many amazing people with tremendous talent.  In speaking candidly with some serious BDSM professional porn subs and submissive models in the industry, these ladies all agree, you need to do the exact opposite of what you feel you want to do.  Eat for fuel, add protein shakes, these women have had serious play sessions, then had to hop onto a plane to the next venue, or to an event across the globe.  You’re capable, you know, and your body can take a lot, it’s your mind you need to convince otherwise.   I suppose if you think of soldiers that have had to forge on, in-between battles…they don’t sit around and sulk.  They needed to get moving or they might get overtaken by the enemy.

Since I’m not a jetsetting bdsm model or attending private professional play parties, I take what they had to say and applied it to my life.  I force myself to go outside for walks, or hitting the gym is always nice. (even if you’re not doing your usual best). A leisurely bath taken is fine, time out for me of course, someone wake me up if I fall asleep.  Eating healthy and savoring what you eat helps you feel nourished and allows your body to replenish necessary nutrients lost in a riot of hard play session.  (Preparing that meal may be a bit scatter brained and frustrating, best attempt that with a partner).  Additionally, I also find that I like attacking my own bruises and adding orgasms to them is tremendously helpful!  It gives me more endorphins, it re-associated my pain with something pleasant.

Fantastic article on the subject of sub drop.